Hello & welcome!
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by & learn all about me & how I've come to do this type of work!
It's been a journey but I wouldn't change a thing.
Please enjoy & I am looking forward to working with you soon!
My Story
I have always had a connection to nature. Ever since I was a child, I could connect & communicate with animals, plants, trees & rocks. To me this was completely normal; it was later in life when I realized it was not the norm.
Growing up I lost my abilities, I was bullied, shamed, made fun of so in turn I completely shut down. It wasn’t until I was in my teens when I started to remember my connection with animals.
Animals have always played an enormous part in my life; they were always there to remind me that I had never truly lost my gifts. One of my horses, Miss Moose actually saved my life twice! She helped me to realize that I had stopped using my gifts. It was about that time that I came across another animal communicator who showed me it was possible to do this for a living & opened many doors for me.
Following my own path I somewhat disconnected again, got married & then divorced. The divorce was one of the hardest times in my life, but I couldn’t be more grateful for everything that had happened. Going through very dark times helps us to see the light in new & different ways. Well in finding the light again I came across a metaphysical store that changed my life & opened up a whole new world to me. I took as many classes as I could take, I got to know all of the people who worked or did readings there & found my teachers / mentors / family. This is also the same time when the crystals started to come back into my life again.
It was during this time I started understanding why things happened the way that they did. I was starting to see, feel, hear & understand things in new ways, ways that I hadn’t remembered from childhood. I felt like I was coming home again! The crystals called to me like never before, not only were they beautiful to look at but I could feel their vibrations & how they were physically helping me to feel better.
Most of my life I have struggled with anxiety & depression, but in working with crystals I was able to start pulling myself back from those hard days & dark places. It was as simple as holding them in my hand or having them in my pocket. Not only did I find crystals to be beautiful but I was starting to understand there was a LOT more to them then what met the eye.
Do to the profound effects crystals had on my life, I felt a strong need to become certified in using crystals. Soon after, I graduated from the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy; & am now a fully Certified Crystal Practitioner for both humans & animals. I am also certified in Level II Reiki for humans & animals. The one thing that connects all of these different modalities is crystals!
Crystals continue to play a huge role in my life every single day. I have learned so much over the years & the biggest thing that has changed for me personally is my spiritual practice. It has morphed into the most lifesaving & life changing practice that I will ever pursue. I have received many benefits by working with crystals. They enhance the beauty in my life, allow me to go deeper in my meditations & support me on both a physical & emotional level.
Crystals can truly help you with every aspect of your life; & it has become my passion to help you discover the wonderful benefits, beauty & sacred wisdom that crystals can offer.
I am honored to have awakened to my personal spiritual journey. This journey has allowed me to understand what my passion & my purpose truly is. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me… I believe you are here for a reason. I am blessed & grateful to be of service in any way that I can. I hope that my story has inspired you to step into your own spiritual journey.
Crystal blessings & so much love,